The Studies are clear: cellulite light therapy offers visible reductions to cellulite. 

Combining NIR and Infrared Light with more common cellulite treatments, such as gels, massagers, exercise and detox results in boosting collagen and elastin production (reversing breakdown of collagen typical to cellulite, and fixing damaged skin).

Infrared heat improves lymphatic drainage, essential to any cellulite treatment to prevent swelling. 

This fat thickness reduction was proven with objective tools such as photographic evaluation, blood tests, and ecographic evaluation.

The study concluded: "In this study we have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the combination between low-level laser therapy and vibration therapy for the resolution of localized adiposity and fibrous cellulite".

  • Another study (click for link), has found: "The low-level, dual-wavelength laser energy and massage device safely improves the appearance of cellulite while reducing thigh circumference"
  • Another promising study has found that 90% of subjects, treated twice a day with an anti-cellulite gel, and 15-minute red & infrared LED light therapy twice a week – were downgraded to a lower cellulite grade by clinical examination, digital photography, and pinch test assessment.

The results of this small but well-documented, randomized, double-blinded study: "eight of nine thighs with Grade II-III cellulite responded positively to a novel, combined 3-month treatment program of a phosphatidylcholine-based, anti-cellulite gel and LED exposure, as determined by the clinical determinants obtained"

  • And this study has found that a group of women working out on stationary bicycles 3 times a week for 4 weeks and exposed to infrared light therapy lost an average of 8 cm’s or 444% (!) more body fat – compared to 20 women doing the same without infrared radiation.

For Fat Loss

Research has discovered that red light waves in the 635nm range actually cause fat cells to dump their contents. After8 minutes exposure to red light, fat cells empty. Where does all the fat go? The released waste enters the interstitial layers where they can be naturally metabolized by the body and flushed out. Red light therapy in the waves we use in our slimmign and detoxifying wrap- 635nm, and 850nm waves which help boost the body's ability to process and release the expelled fats, cause:

  • Fast and effective lipolysis of the fat cells for fat loss and detoxification;
  • Reduction of the appearance of cellulite;
  • Increased collagen formation for skin rejuvenation;
  • Increased skin radiance and skin elasticity;
  • Boosted lymph system activity to benefit weight loss.
  • Increased metabolic activity and energy